Are You Trapped in the Gap?

Here in the 21st Century, we are rarely stopped by a lack of knowledge. We know that goal setting is critical to progress toward our dreams. If there is something we don’t know about how to achieve our goal, it is easier than ever to find the answer.

As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2015, have you kept your New Year’s resolutions? Statistics are not in your favor. We know what to do, but often fall victim to the gap between knowing and doing.

This would be a good time to close that gap—regain clarity of purpose, refocus on priorities, and take decisive action in the direction of our desired future. There are two “lenses” that can help us refocus our actions. I first wrote about them New Year’s week of 2013. Here for an encore, are three themes and one word.

Three Themes
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Brendon Burchard is author of The Charge and The Millionaire Messenger, and founder of High Performance Academy. Brendon suggests that we dump our long lists of goals, and gain clarity through simplicity. He proposes that we adopt a few key themes, as focal points to guide our behavior and keep us motivated. Check out Brendon’s post and short (6:32) video here. Huffington Post: 3 Themes for 2013 by Brendon Burchard

One Word

Do you want even simpler? Dan Britton (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), Jimmy Page (also of FCA), and Jon Gordon (author of The Energy Bus and The Seed) have collaborated on a new book, One Word… that will change your life. In it, they describe a process of preparing your heart and receiving from God a single word. The operative question is “What do you want to do in me and through me?” Your one word becomes your driving force for the year, bringing you clarity, focus, power, and passion. Learn more about the idea here.

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